Monday, April 18, 2011

Find Your Application Root in PHP - Part 2

This is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 describes less sophisticated solutions and this part describes the preferred technique.

This article describes the different ways a PHP application can define its application root directory. This is important because the application root directory is usually used as the jumping off point to find all other directories, such as include files and add-ons. The goal is to put something that looks like this at the front of each of our PHP files:

define('APP_ROOT', ???);

The question is what replaces the question marks.

There are two general methods of finding the application root directory. You can either calculate it or you can define it. If you look in the PHP manual page for include(), you will see numerous ways people have tried to solve this problem, all of which are based on these two methods. Part 1 of this article talks about ways to calculate the application root, but these techniques are not as robust as simply defining the application root.

The requirements for my solution were:
  • Cross-platform (LAMP, WAMP and Windows/IIS)
  • Maintainable
  • Scalable for growing applications
  • Deployable with source control
  • Works with a subdirectory
  • Fast
This article is primarily targeted at PHP 5, up to and including PHP 5.3. This article emphasizes breadth over depth – there are endless nuances to variations of PHP version/web server/operating system/server permissions that this article does not try to address.

The safest, easiest to maintain, and most portable choice, is to use a predefined constant that points at the application’s root directory. This technique can also be generalized into multiple constants, such as one for the application root, one for include files, one for add-ons, etc. This allows you to easily reorganize directories in the future.

There is no One True Way of cleanly defining a constant that works across all environments. However, I’ve found this to be an advantage because I can check all of the different configuration files into source control and each environment will pick up a value corresponding to the configuration file that it uses.

You can define a constant using:
  • A hardcoded PHP define() value
  • An ini value, read using get_ini.
  • An environment variable, read using getenv.
There are numerous places to make these declarations:
  • Configuration file
  • auto_prepend_file
  • Front Controller Pattern
  • Php command line
  • Php.ini Custom Variable
  • Httpd.conf
  • .htaccess
  • Windows IIS FastCGI Environment
  • Per Directory Values
  • autoload
Let’s go through each one.

Configuration File

The simplest way to declare the application root is to use the PHP define command, like this:

define('APP_ROOT', '/var/www/htdocs/');

It’s fast to implement and easy to understand. The problem is where to put it. You don't want to copy it to every file in your project because that would be a maintenance nightmare. The logical next step is to put the hardcoded value in a configuration file and include that from all other files. For example, you might have a configuration.php file that contains this:

define('APP_ROOT', '/var/www/htdocs/');

The problem is that you don’t know where configuration.php lives, which means you need to know the APP_ROOT to find it, which gets you back where you started.


This is a variation of the previous section that depends on a the "auto_prepend_file" declaration in PHP 5.3. This declaration goes in Php.ini and allows you to automatically prepend a particular file to all top-level scripts. php files using auto_prepend_file. This solves the problem of where the configuration file lives because each particular script will have that file prepended automatically without having any knowledge of the source of the prepended script.

However, since the declaration must be placed in the php.ini file, this strategy is not feasible in many shared hosting environments.

Front Controller Pattern

Another variation on the "Configuration File" strategy is to use the Front Controller Pattern. This strategy uses .htaccess and mod_rewrite or IIS Rewrite to force all requests to all pages go to be processed by the same script, such as index.php file in the application root directory.

Since all of your page requests are routed through this file, your declaration can go at the front of this file. The Zend Framework uses this strategy with the MVC Front Controller Pattern.

Php Command Line

When you are using PHP-CLI, you can define an ini value from the php command line, like this:

php -d "myblog_app_root=/var/www/htdocs/myapp/" -d "myblog_inc_dir =/var/www/htdocs/include/"

You would then include these statements at the front of every top-level php file:

define("APP_ROOT", get_ini("myblog_app_root"));
define("INC_DIR", get_ini("myblog_inc_dir"));

Now you can include a file like this:
include INC_DIR . 'coolclass.php';

Php.ini Custom Variable

[Note: A huge amount of information about php.ini can be found in Custom PHP.ini tips and tricks.]

The php.ini file is where php defines its configuration parameters. The problem is that it’s only read when PHP starts. For PHP-CLI or PHP with CGI, that’s not a problem. For mod_php, that means that you have to restart the web server to reread your php.ini, which is often not possible in a shared hosting environment.

The other downside to placing the constants in php.ini is that the definitions cannot be isolated. In other words, your application-specific settings are intermingled with system global declarations, so it’s very difficult to keep a single file in source control that can be used across servers.

Setting the application root in your php.ini is done like this:

myblog_app_root = "/var/www/htdocs/myapp/"
myblog_inc_dir = "/var/www/htdocs/include/"

You would then include these statements at the front of every php file:

define("APP_ROOT", get_ini("myblog_app_root"));
define("INC_DIR", get_ini("myblog_inc_dir"));

Now you can include a file like this:

include INC_DIR . 'coolclass.php';


Setting a variable in httpd.conf has all of the downsides of Php.ini, plus the additional downside that it doesn’t work with PHP-CLI. Therefore, I wouldn’t use this strategy.


If you are running Apache, .htaccess is the best place to define the constant. For example, this is how the Zend Framework operates. You can make changes to .htaccess in isolation, so it is easy to put in source control, and it doesn’t require a server restart. You can put it in your application root and it will apply to all subdirectories.

The caveats are that:
  • Apache must have mod_env loaded.
  • You can’t use .htaccess for PHP-CLI or for PHP under CGI.
  • Some shared hosting environments disallow the use of SetEnv.
  • Doesn't work for Windows IIS.
Setting a custom variable for the application root in your .htaccess is done like this:

SetEnv myblog_app_root /var/www/htdocs/myapp/
SetEnv myblog_inc_dir /var/www/htdocs/include/

You would then include these statements at the front of every php file:

define("APP_ROOT", getenv("myblog_app_root"));
define("INC_DIR", getenv ("myblog_inc_dir"));

Now you can include a file like this:

include INC_DIR . 'coolclass.php';

A shell script

In some shared hosting environments, you may not be allowed to set environment variables from .htaccess or from php.ini. However, shared hosting environments that use FastCGI may allow you to call a shell script, which sets the desired environment variable(s) and then calls php. For details, see the last response in this article on StackOverflow.

Windows IIS FastCGI Environment

If you are using IIS, then you don't have a .htacess file, but there is rough equivalent. IIS uses the file web.config in much the same way as Apache uses .htaccess. Although Microsoft’s documentation says that the web.config file is only for, this isn’t true. The web.config controls many aspects of IIS. is only part of the web.config functionality.

If PHP is being run using FastCGI, then you can add an environment variable in the IIS Manager as follows: (screen shots can be found at
  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Select the host node name.
  3. Open FastCGI Settings on the right.
  4. Select the desired application (there’s normally only one).
  5. Click the … to the right of Environment Variables.
  6. Add any desired environment variables.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK.
The steps above define an environment variable global to all PHP applications, which has the same pitfalls as defining a variable in httpd.conf. However, the options under IIS are somewhat limited.

According to that same article at, you can also define environment variables in your application’s web.config file as shown in this example, which sets PHPRC. However, I have not tried this myself.

<application fullPath="C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe" arguments="-d open_basedir=C:\Websites\Website1">
<environmentVariable name="PHPRC" value="C:\WebSites\website1" />

Per Directory Values

The Windows version of PHP allows you to put values into the registry that modify Php.ini directives on a per-directory basis, very similar to how .htacess works. These values are found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PHP\Per Directory Values. This would be the perfect solution for setting an environment variable, but it doesn't work. That registry key can only be used to set very particular PHP directives.


By way of closing, I'll mention that you can use PHP's autoload functionality so that your PHP scripts don't even need to define an APP_ROOT. You use autoload function to automatically load classes as they are needed instead of you trying to remember to include all of the appropriate files. This is particularly helpful for library modules, where you don't want to hardcode a definition, but you still need to depend on other library modules.

There are numerous community examples on the PHP Autoloading Classes page.
If you are using Autoload, then you should define a constant for the full path to the file that implements the functions and include that file at the front of each of your php files.

Also See

How can I get the “application root” of my URL from PHP?
Site Structure: Where to Locate Includes
PHP: Magic contacts
PHP: Runtime Configuration
Description of core php.ini directives
Using FastCGI to Host PHP Applications on IIS 7
Convert .htaccess to web.config on iis

1 comment:

  1. Or you could just put `define(APP_ROOT, __DIR__);` in your index.php and it would work everywhere even if you move your entire project to a different document root.
